It’s Time for the National Park
Adventure of Your Dreams
Where Do You Want to Go?
Are You Ready for a Walk in the Parks?
Hi! We are Brad and Ladona Stork and we’re here to help you plan a National Park Vacation that most people only dream about.
This fall we passed the 2/3rds way point on our goal to hike and camp in every US National Park, having explored 42 of the 63 National Parks. When we visit a National Park, we don’t just do a drive-through with a quick photo shoot. We camp in the park’s campgrounds, hike the trails, talk to the rangers, and explore the distant corners.
Our passion is to give new meaning to retirement, showing you that anyone can find adventure Walking The Parks! Here we share our best tips and stories to help you create a trip that is filled with a lifetime of memories.

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Let the adventure begin…
Our Latest National Park Posts
National Park Guidebooks

National Parks Made Easy Guidebooks
We’ve written guide books to our favorite National Parks that will help you plan the adventure of your dreams. This are specifically written with the first time visitor in mind. They contain detailed tips, advice, and insider information so you can discover the best of the park with ease. You won’t miss a thing!
Our Top Hiking And Camping Product Reviews
When it comes to camping we are up for any adventure. We’ve flown to Alaska with just a duffel bag of camping gear and canoed the boundary waters. We do enjoy a luxury trip where we can load the truck with everything but the kitchen sink just as much as a minimalist trip. And everywhere we go includes a lot of hiking and fishing! That means we use the gear we talk about in our reviews.
Don’t Miss Our Best Tips for Hiking and Camping!
Here’s our best tips for hiking and camping based on our decades of adventure: